CCTV Evidence

From 31st March 2008 councils across England and Wales gained the right to use CCTV to detect offences on roads where parking is banned. Councils in London already have this power.

CCTV cameras evidence can now be used to enforce parking offences and moving vehicle offences. These cameras are linked to the DVLA and have number plate recognition. This means that the owner of any vehicle seen by a CCTV camera stopped in a zone with parking restrictions will receive a fine through the post. Other traffic offences such as stopping in a Yellow Box junction or turning where turning prohibited, when caught on CCTV will also result in a fine through the post.

To read about the Approved Devices for use when enforcing parking and moving vehicle offences please follow the Government Department links below:

The Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (Approved Devices) (England) Order 2007

The Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (Approved Devices) (Wales) Order 2008